Post by Hazel on Sept 6, 2022 14:08:02 GMT
Hey! So some of you may or may not know that we had a wiki! Or at least we use to... Now why isn't it there anymore you may ask? Well apparently the website deletes "inactive" wikis, which seems rather silly to me, as some people work so hard on these things. We were on break for quite a while, we still kind of are, but in my own personal opinion, I think it's rather rude to delete someone's project just because they were on hiatus. :/ But eh, the site was too confusing anyway. I'll be looking for a better wiki site to feature our series on, or just start from scratch. If you know of a better alternative that doesn't take down wikis for silly reasons like this, please feel free to suggest them here in this thread :3 And that's all for now! We're still on hiatus but we'll still be active! Please stay tuned for more updates in the future! See ya!